SOAR (Security Orchestration Automation and Response), what role does it play in securing your business organization?


SOAR (Security Orchestration Automation and Response), what role does it play in securing your business organization?

This article is focused on SOAR (Security Orchestration Automation and Response). We shall learn about SOAR (Security Orchestration Automation and Response) technology, which allows an organization to collect data about security threats from multiple sources and respond to security events without human assistance. Gartner defines SOAR (Security Orchestration Automation and Response) as a tool that collects security threat data alerts from different sources.

A tool that enables incident analysis triage and prioritization both automatically and manually with machine assistance that defines and enforces a standard workflow for Incident response activities, and encodes Incident analysis and response procedures in a digital workflow format enabling automation of some or all incident responses. According to Gartner the three most important capabilities of SOAR technologies are threat and vulnerability management.

These technologies support the remediation of vulnerabilities they provide formalized workflow reporting and collaboration capabilities. Next, we have security Incident response, these technologies help how an organization plan, manages, track, and coordinates the response to a security incident, and lastly security operations automation. These technologies support the automation and orchestration of workflows processes policy execution and reporting.

Let's understand SOAR capabilities, first is orchestration, orchestration is the ability to coordinate decision-making and automate responsive actions based on an assessment of risks and environmental states. SOAR tools can do this by integrating with other security solutions in a way that lets them pull data and also push proactive actions. SOAR (Security Orchestration Automation and Response) provides a generic interface allowing analysts to define Shinzon security tools and IT systems without being experts in those systems or their AP.

An example of orchestration can be processing a suspicious email, a SOAR tool can investigate whether the sender has a bad reputation via threat intelligence. Using DNS tools to confirm the origin, the tool can automatically extract hyperlinks and validate them via URL reputation. Detonate the links in a secure environment or run attachments in a sandbox, then if an incident is confirmed a playbook is run. The playbook looks in the email system to find all messages from the same sender or with the same links or attachments and quarantines them.

Next, we have automation, automation is related to orchestration, it is the machine-driven execution of actions on security tools and IT systems. As part of a response to an incident, SOAR tools allow security teams to define standardized automation steps and a decision-making workflow. With enforcement status, tracking, and auditing capabilities automation relies on security playbooks that analysts can code using a visual UI or a programming language like Python.

An example of orchestration can be the malware playbook.SOAR tool scans the malware file and detonates the file in a sandbox using external services, the SOAR tool checks the file against reputation services such as virus total for accuracy. The system notifies the user about the malware and a post-analysis cleanup is performed.

The last capability is the response, the approach to addressing and managing the security incident. Once an alert has been confirmed including triage containment remediation and more. Today many actions such as quarantine files and disabling access to compromised accounts, to name a few are performed automatically so incidents that one supposes the real threat can be quickly resolved. An example can be blocking a port at the firewall, when SOAR observes unusual traffic at a firewall, it can run a playbook and block the port on the firewall automatically.

SOAR tools are responsible for coordinating and automating incident response and enabling central measurement of SOC activity. It provides an incident-specific report highlighting incident details and steps taken to address the incident. It also provides analyst-level reporting on activity by each analyst such as the number and types of incidents. Meantime to detect and respond per analyst and so on, it also provides SOC manager reports, reporting on the number of analysts, incidents handled per analyst, and meantime for specific stages of the incident response process to identify bottlenecks.

It also provides ISO-level reports showcasing the alignment of risks with IT metrics to see the impact of incidents on business performance and regulations measuring efficiently by looking at the mean time to detect and mean time to respond across the entire organization and reduction of Labor through automation. I hope the content was valuable, to know more contact us for a better solution.

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